Miguel Juarez Middle School Academic Expectations and Roles
Teacher Role
Student Role
Parent Role
Provide the objective and due dates
Write in agenda during class
Take it home
Review it at home
Break down long-term assignments
Check Agenda for deadlines
Supervise work completion
Match grades with IC Parent Portal
Help break down long-term assignments
Assign homework with deadline
Provides information for proper completion
Check binder
Take it home
Look at it at home
Bring necessary materials home
Complete Assignment
Organize it in binder
Turn in assignment by due date
Allow 1-1.5 hours per day
Provide quiet space for homework
Provide feedback
Supervise work is completed
Match grades with IC Parent Portal
(allow a week for new postings)
"I don't know how to complete the assignment"
Answer questions during class
Provide practice
Look at notes or examples
Call a friend
Connect with the teacher
Look for similar assignments online
It's okay if you don't understand the content
Direct student to go back to their resources
Help student find outside resources
Contact teacher for further clarification
Assign project
Provide rubrics and objective
Issue deadline
Answer clarifying questions
Write due date in agenda
Take home project guide
Break down project into smaller chunks
Create a completion timeline
Ask teacher for clarification
Turn in project by due date
Provide materials for project
Supervise break down timeline
Remind students when project is due
Provide copies of syllabus
Take syllabus home and show parent
Get syllabus signed by guardian
Keep syllabus in binder
Refer to syllabus when you have a question
Find teacher contact information if necessary
Ask questions to teacher if unclear
Update grades online regularly
Have recent grades posted in classroom
Know current grades for each class
Earn satisfactory grades
Check IC regularly
Contact teacher if grades aren't updated or are unsatisfactory
Conference with student when report card comes
Unit Newsletter
Provide a newsletter with unit objectives and assessments
Read the newsletter
Write any dates in agenda
Take it home
Show guardian
Read the newsletter
Ask student what they are learning
It's natural and common for a Middle School Student to not want to discuss school matters with their parent. Keeping the line of communication is very important for the relationship between a parent and child. Try to avoid questions that are a "Yes, No, I don't know" or shrug response.
Here are some questions to ask your child when they come home from school.
- Tell me about the best part of your day.
- What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
- Did any of your classmates do anything funny?
- Tell me about what you read in class.
- What was the best thing you did today?
- Do you think math [or any subject] is too easy or too hard?
- What's the biggest difference between this year and last year?
- What rules are different at school than our rules at home? Do you think they're fair?
- Who did you sit with at lunch?
- Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?