Principal's Message

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Mr. Nelson Campos: Greetings Juarez Tiger family and friends. On behalf of the staff at Miguel Juarez Middle School, I am excited to welcome you to the 2019-20 school year! We are looking forward to a productive year to ensure that our students have a safe learning environment in order to achieve high levels of learning to be successful in life. We recognize that our students need support from both home and school and look forward to developing a strong partnership with parents and guardians to share the responsibility of your child’s success. We ask that you continuously guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he or she:

  1. Attends school daily and arrives on time
  2. Reads daily to improve literacy skills and the love for reading
  3. Practice Math skills on a regular basis
  4. Completes homework assignments for all subjects
  5. Informs you if he or she needs additional support in any area or subject
  6. Shares school experiences with you so that you are always aware of his or her school life

We also encourage all parents and guardians to consistently keep track of your child’s progress by checking your Infinite Campus Parent Portal at least once a week and communicate with your child’s teachers. In addition, please visit our school website to familiarize with the Juarez mission and core values, our school expectations and procedures, all Juarez events, staff information, and much, much  more.

Our Juarez staff looks forward to seeing you at our annual Tiger Welcome Back Day on Friday August 16 from 2-7pm and we are excited to see your child on the first day of student attendance on Thursday August 22, 2019. Go Tigers!

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